domingo, 5 de julho de 2015

Bishop Athanasius Schneider offered a Solemn Pontifical Mass and officiated at Pontifical Vespers at Maternal Heart of Mary Church, Lewisham,Australia.

Photopost Catchup for June 2015

We are always glad to receive photos of your liturgies, even when we haven’t specifically asked for them for a major feast. Here are three sets from various events: a Pontifical Mass in Australia, celebrated by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, an EF Solemn Mass in Louisiana, and an OF First Mass of a newly ordained priest in Tiverton, Rhode Island.

Maternal Heart of Mary Church, Lewisham, Australia
The Most Reverend Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana (Kazakhstan), recently came to Australia at the invitation of the Australia Catholic Students Association (ACSA). During his visit in Sydney, he offered a Solemn Pontifical Mass and officiated at Pontifical Vespers at Maternal Heart of Mary Church, Lewisham. A great friend to the traditional liturgy and a strong defender of the faith, he preached on the importance of the liturgy and Eucharist in the everyday lives of the faithful. More photos of these liturgies can be viewed on the facebook page of the Maternal Heart Parish.

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